There's a pretty popular theory going around out there that Felix Gaeta is the final Cylon model. Yes, the Gaeta that pretty much got his leg shot off and then sang like a song-bird freak in the recovery room of the hospital, annoying the piss out of everyone within two ships of the Colonial Fleet. Yes, the same Gaeta that has said the words, "dradis contact," more than anyone on the show.
Why it works:
This theory works for quite a few reasons. First, Gaeta is in a high enough position in the fleet to warrant the whole, "no way" factor. Secondly, he's been harmed physically (see Cylon Pirate Tigh), but not killed (Cylons, while seemingly perfect, are looking for human-like flaws). Third, he was integral to getting the fleet to the nebula. Fourth, like 3 of the 4 recently revealed Cylon models, he was a major part of the resistance on New Caprica.
More importantly, as previously mentioned, he can sing. Like really good. Also, he has an ethnic look to him (he's really Canadian, though). Why is that important? It's apparent that the Cylons have an inert desire to be diverse (one asian-american, one african-american, one middle-eastern-american?, two oldies, some youngins, etc.). You can't really place the race card with they Cylons.
Why it doesn’t work:
Dude has curly hair, Cylons just THINK they want to be human. But once they encounter curly hair, they'll be just as pissed as every other girl out there -- they can't do a frakin' thing to it when it's humid.
Dude has curly hair, Cylons just THINK they want to be human. But once they encounter curly hair, they'll be just as pissed as every other girl out there -- they can't do a frakin' thing to it when it's humid.
He's a singer. No other Cylon has any extraordinary ability. Except, mind you, Samuel Anders, who was amazingly gifted at pyramid (which, by the way, now that he's been found out as a Cylon, the C-Bucs should probably have to forfeit any games and/or championships won with Anders on the team).
He has ONE LEG. I can't really see much high action happening with Gaeta hobbling all over the place. If Adama ever confronts him, one single judo sweep takes him right out of the equation. Plus, I've heard (not seen) rumors that everyone on the ship now calls him Hip-Hop-Gaeta-the-Playa. It's not catchy like Boomer, or Athena, so he can't possibly be a Cylon.
Odds that I’m right:
5:1 (this is a pretty realistic one)
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